Sunday, October 05, 2008

Relationships - new metaphors

Hello World :), feels gud to be back..btw I chanced upon a couple of metaphors which define a relationship (or shud I say, Soulmate relationship, Kelly :) ). Btw Kelly is the person who offered me a view of the 2 beautiful metaphors by way of putting up her fanfic post on the public domain.

This post, I believe does 've connections to my March29th post written in 2007. To see that post, please go to the "blogs archive" dropdown utility placed placed jus above the firefox logo.

Well, so comin to the matter @ hand..the 2 beautiful metaphors that I happened to chance upon were written by Kelly for the 2 X-files agents Dana 'blue eyed' Scully n Fox 'green eyed' Mulder or Dana 'Annapolis' Scully or Fox 'Alexandria' Mulder :P. So without much ado here goes the metaphors :

---- (M1)
2 ppl can be like 2 materials in a fusion, comin togther as two separate, very different things. And with a lot of pressure and a lot of heat they become something new -- something different than they were separately(hopefully somethin better :) ), something that cannot exist by itself.

---- (M2)
The 2nd metaphor says that 2 ppl can be like binary stars. Amazing things, these binary stars are, from far away they look like one star,one light, one heat. But when you get closer, you see them eternally spinning around each other in a cosmic dance.


They can be different sizes, different colors, different intensities, but they're held together by this force of attraction that keeps them the perfect distance from each other so that the dance can continue forever. They're always separate, but they can exchange matter, which lets them evolve in ways that no single star ever could. It's beautiful, held together and apart by attraction.


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